Bedford South School

Parent-Teacher Meetings TOMORROW!

PLEASE NOTE:  You will not be able to book new appointments after WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th at 3:00 PM.

On Thursday, April 11th, 2019, there will be Parent-Teacher Meetings from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.

We have an online sign up process for these meetings.  To make your appointment time, please see the attached OPTIS Parent Instructions below.  There is a tutorial available through OPTIS (click Help) as well, should you experience any difficulty.

Many of you have communicated directly with teachers, either by phone, e-mail or in person, and it may not be necessary to meet at this time.  Those who cannot attend on the designated date may wish to schedule an alternate meeting by contacting your child’s teacher to meet either in person, or by phone to discuss your child’s or children’s progress.  We would like to encourage you to contact your child’s teacher throughout the terms as necessary to support their learning.

If you wish to see a specialist teacher, other than Ms. Burlock (Core French) or Kathy Walters (Guidance), you may do so on a drop-in basis.  Locations will be available when you arrive at school.

If you do not have computer access to complete this process, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to make arrangements to set up the appointment.

As you may be aware, Bedford South School has a SCENT AWARE environment.  We appreciate your cooperation and consideration in ensuring you are free from scented products during your visit.