HSA January Meeting Minutes


Bedford South School – Home and School Association

Executive Meeting

Tuesday January 14th, 2025


Admin present: Principal: Tracy Foster,Vice Principal: Jane Taylor,

Staff Representatives: Kaylee Hiscock (Grade 4 Teacher), Cheltyn Morgan (Grade 4 Teacher), Shannon Linney (Early Literacy Support Teacher) , Nancy Murray (Early Literacy Support Teacher)

Parents: Sarah Rushworth (Chair), Jill O’Hanlon (Treasurer), Sarah Moriarty (Secretary), Bethany Dulong (MAL), Anthony Zadeh (MAL), Lia MacDonald (MAL), Maria Acosta, Jannah Purchase, Maria Gallo


None received

Call to Order

Meeting Commenced at 7:05pm by Sarah R. Land Acknowledgement

A Motion to approve November 2024 Minutes

Motion by Sarah R, seconded by Jill.

Financial Report / Treasurer’s Report – delivered by HSA Treasurer Jill O’Hanlon

$9,900 total. Playground cheque has been cleared. Popcorn balance approx. $4100 – 10 Ipads ordered.

Progress has been made to close the HSA Scotiabank account and consolidate with the schools main account. This will bring BSS HSA in line with the same processes that are present at other schools. HSA treasurer will continue to monitor the HSA cash flow, but it will be within the Bedford South School at TD. Expectation is that this will provide a smoother process going forward.

Administrative Report – delivered by Tracy Foster


· 799 students as of January 14th.

· All Grade 5 classes at 29 students, one at 28

· 20 new students January 3rd, 16 in December – but there has also been families move out of area

· Holiday concert was a success, front row raffle a great incentive – drummed up excitement and raised funds for the HSA

· Choir for Grade 4 + 5 being held weekly

· Learning centers Music Therapy program being held two afternoons a week.

· Lunch program has been running well. Lunch Monitors have been tasked with delivering the lunches. School has been ordering an additional 20 lunches per day – which have been utilised, there has been not much waste reported.

· Breakfast baskets are delivered daily to classes.

· School is still in need of lunch monitors – please see the HRCE website for more information if you are able to consider this placement

· School is doing a winter clothing collection

· Grade 5 leadership programme in full swing

· Helping out at recess and lunch– wearing their yellow vest for visibility

· A technology team where younger students can reach out and ask questions

· Child Youth Care Practitioner at the school, Maya Sibani. Programs taking place: social groups, mindfulness groups,

· Ms Ling is on mat leave and Ms. Sharma is in for her. Ms. Burke is teaching ¾. Ms, Keeping has a job at Kingswood.

· Ms Barr has received a $5k grant with Indigenous learning. The learning centre received an autism grant for $300


Playground Update – update provided by Anthony

Cheque has been cleared, equipment has been purchased and in storage. Expectation for work to begin in spring to install.


Sales have been strong. Approx $900 per month. No sponsor for the January popcorn day. If anyone knows of a business interested in sponsoring please reach out to the BSS HSA email – or approach any of the Exec team.


Proposal for teachers to sent out size charts to get details for Grade 5 leaver tshirts.

Exec to look at setting up a “spiritwear store” that will be on school website all year round (Jill & Bethany)

ART Fundraiser

Discussion to have a two week lead time for delivery at April 17th event. Teachers to possibly incorporate the art into their class lessons so as more kids get the opportunity to complete.

April 17th Event

If a bingo night is voted for – a license will be required. Suggestion of a possible trivia quiz night? People to mull it over and decision to b e made at February meeting!

Dominoes – Discussion of BSS sponsorship purchase in February. Sarah R reaching out to Christina to confirm.


We were joined by Shannon and Nancy who were representing the Early Literacy Support team at BSS. They have requested the HSA consider them when fundraising. They have requested funds of $1400 for paper/print/page protectors etc and $1500 for laminator rolls respectively. This is to help assist them in supporting student achievement, as they will use the purchased supplies to create materials that target areas where data indicates a need for additional support. Sarah R welcomed their request, but outlined what the HSA funds are used for and requested more information with regards to what they should be getting from the schools instructional account. Tracey F stepped in noting that there is no additional budget within the schools instructional account for the ELA and the request is going beyond what the school would provide.

Sarah R then suggested that they approach the SAC - with Sarah Rs prior experience on the SAC ( 2 years as Chair) she highlighted that the SAC has funds at the start of the year that could be better placed to assist the ELA request. The 2024/25 funds have been assigned, however looking forward this would be the way to go. Shannon appreciated the information and noted she would go to SAC and reach out again to Staples to seek assistance. Suggestion from HSA to possibly use proceeds from April 17th event to contribute – HSA Exec to discuss.

Next Meeting: 

· February.11th 7pm Online – Link will be sent out prior to meeting


Motion to end meeting:

Made by Sarah R at 8:03pm, seconded by Jill.